Benefits And Health

Showing posts with label Benefit Revolution. Show all posts
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

How Big Pharma and Insurance Work, From Insider Brigham Buhler

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

On Armstrong and Getty for a Couple Hours This Morning

7 AM Hour -  Just a Wee Bit Less Dynamic : features our guest, Craig, the Obamacare Guru, who joins Jack to discuss... The escalation of C...
Saturday, September 2, 2023

The U.S. Will Finally Start Negotiating Drug Prices with Armstrong and Getty

I spent one morning this week chatting with Armstrong and Getty regarding the news that the federal government will finally begin negotiati...
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

It's A Government Healthcare Complex: Craig Gottwals Talks To A&G

Your health insurance costs and premiums have skyrocketed compared to the rate of inflation since Obamacare passed. Meanwhile, insurance car...
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Required Leave for Any Reason, Ozempic, and Coverage for Gender Affirming Care

Tools & Webinars: McGriff's 2023 Benefits Survey Results McGriff's Quarterly Pharmacy Newsletter : covering Diabetes, obesity...
Monday, June 19, 2023

This Week In Red Pilled Healthcare News

Because Healthcare Inflation Unusually Trails General Inflation, 2024 Looks Grim for Traditional Health Plans Not worried about the fidu...
Monday, May 22, 2023

HR’s Porta-Potty Predicament: California Compliance Chaos

From Armchair Lawyer to Bathroom Auditor. A Peculiar Friday at the Office In the late afternoon on Friday, at the brim of the weekend, my p...
Friday, May 12, 2023

One In Three Dollars You Spend on Healthcare is Squandered on Waste, Fraud or Abuse

Employers: It Does Not Have To Be This Way This story with a voiceover is posted on my Substack .  
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Employers Needlessly Overpay 224% for Healthcare

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Why Your Health Insurer Doesn’t Care About Your Big Bills (Yeah It's Obamacare)

  From Marshall Allen at ProPublica :  Turns out, insurers don’t have to decrease spending to make money. They just have to accurately pr...
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Scouring your PHI from Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once

My latest is now up over at BenefitsPRO :  You come to work one day, and notice Susan is not there. Nobody knows what happened to her, a...
Thursday, April 13, 2023

1 in 5 California Hospitals is in Danger of Closure

California hospitals are in serious trouble due to: The misguided government prohibition against non-COVID care during the pandemic; O...
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Fiduciary Imperative of Reference-Based Pricing: A Legal and Financial Analysis

This is my latest; it can be read in full over at BeneftsPRO .  Abstract : This article examines the fiduciary obligation of CFOs, VPs of H...
Sunday, April 9, 2023

Are Employers Selecting Affordable Healthcare Benefits?

Healthcare costs in the US continue to rise, with employers paying over $13,800 per employee for healthcare in 2023. McKinsey predicts that ...
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Shred Me! One Man's Intriguing Response to Super Size Me (Eating Only McDonalds Patties for 2-Monhts Straight)

You may recall that in "Super Size Me," documentarian Morgan Spurlock explored the effects of consuming a diet consisting solely o...

How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them

AI is being used extensively in the area of the pre-authorization of your medical claims. Prior to approving a medical service or procedure...
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tax Burden By State

I'm a sucker for all of these types of lists. This one is from Wallet Hub .  The map below is interactive, and you can hover over any st...
Sunday, March 12, 2023

How Obamacare Doubles Your Cost for Preventive Care

It is good to see the legacy media covering an issue we began warning clients about more than a decade ago. Better late than never, I suppos...
Thursday, March 9, 2023

Volunteering for Trouble

Sunday, March 5, 2023

How Weaponized Corn Syrup and Diabetes Water Permeate Taxpayer-Funded "Nutrition"

Healthcare and processed food are the two largest industries/employers and lobbyists in the United States. Pharma alone spends five times wh...