Benefits And Health

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Benefits of Banana for health

Benefits of Banana for health - Banana is a fruit that is often found in Indonesia. Bananas are easy to get all the places at a relatively reasonable price. Banana is suitable for dessert. Often eat bananas bananas have health to bring many benefits.

Bananas are either consumed by pregnant women to help the fetus develop. This is because the banana contains nutrients such as potassium and folic acid. Bananas help the body store calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen, which are used to build reserves in vivo for repair and tissue regeneration.

The benefits of bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals that are important, such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

The following is the benefits of bananas to good health.

Rich in vitamins and fibers
Banana has 2 times the carbohydrate and 5 times the amount of vitamin A compared to the apple. Bananas are rich in potassium and potassium levels in a medium sized banana to reach 400 mg. So these fruits must be consumed still able to keep the heart healthy.

Energy source
Included in the banana carbohydrates can be energy to the source of the body. Consumption of two bananas, one day can improve the body's immune system, increase the energy to complete the daily aktivtas.

lose weight
The benefits of bananas lose weight. For those who light the problem, then by eating banana program to help you lose weight. This is because the calories of bananas are relatively small.

Improve brain health
After taking it regularly, up to 3 times a day for a dessert.

Treatment of acne
How to treat acne with bananas, first destroyed the mature banana meat. Then applied to acne skin. Stand for a few minutes, then wash with water. Repeat this for several days until the acne disappears and the skin becomes clean.

Smooth skin
For those who have problems with rough and dry skin, flesh of banana into solution. Such as how to treat acne, first smash the banana and honey by adding a tablespoon. Use the mask used as a face. Regular and facial skin will be smooth.

Diabetes treatment
For diabetics, a mixture of goroho steamed and grated young coconuts can be used as a food supplement for diabetics by consuming a typical banana columbane area.

Balance the amount of liquid
The body needs liquid and depth enough to support the balance of performance of all organs. Therefore, the contents of potassium banana can play an important role in helping to balance the amount of liquid in the body.

Treatment of gastric ulcer

When the banana is used as a solution, the body is afflicted with heartburn. This is because the banana contains the substance of the antidote in the body, so it can relieve heartburn.

Overcome anemia
Banana has a high enough iron content, so it is very suitable for anemia patients. Consumption daily 2 bananas per day. The advantages of bananas, to overcome the lack of red blood cells or anemia.

Bone health
Eating bananas can be used regularly to help treat bone. This is because the banana is a fruit with a very high manganese content.

Treatment of burns
You can use a part of the banana tree for the treatment of burns. Road, take the banana leaves of the ashes, then add coconut oil. It applies to affected skin burns.

Prevent heart disease
Bananas can be used to prevent heart disease, because the banana contains vitamin C and flavonoids antioxidant, and can prevent the oxidation of fat. Included in banana potassium is a good nourishing heart health. Pectin fibers help reduce the effects of cholesterol.

Improve the digestive system

Eating bananas can often help the digestive system to perform better. Then in the end a variety of nutrients from the diet can be absorbed and the best use of the human body.

Improve mood
So the mood becomes unstable, so do not be nervous bananas to help meningatkan emotions very useful.

There is itching to be exposed to mosquito bites
Destruction of mosquito bites Itching they can cause the banana to be eliminated. Take the banana peel gently rub to the affected area mosquito bites.

blood circulation
Bananas contain potassium and potassium are useful รน

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