Benefits And Health

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Benefits of Olive Oil for Face and Body Skin

Who used olive oil as one of the beauty care ingredients, even because of many ancient Roman times. Come on, look at the benefits of olive oil and the face below the skin.

Olive oil is the fat or oil obtained from the fruit of the olive tree. From traditional crops in the Mediterranean region the oil contains fat, vitamin E, vitamin K, and a small iron.

Olive oil has a variety of uses, such as drugs, food, soap, fuel, traditional lamps, and even cosmetics. Olive oil can be mixed into food, such as painted lips and lip gloss softener, and overcome the chapped lips. In addition, olive oil can be used to soften the skin dry, cracked, for example in elbows and high heels.

For facial skin
If you run out of facial cleanser and have olive oil in the kitchen, just use the oil to remove the traces of facial makeup. Many brands are now kosmentik cleansing oil (oil) for "wash" product. Cleansing oil is made from natural oil, one of which is made of olive oil.

From olive oil cleaning oil can be used to easily remover. According to dermatologists, Cleansing Oil is often free of p-hydroxybenzoate hazardous chemicals because they are made from natural ingredients that do not rule out the natural fat on the face. But be careful if you are using Cleansing Oil when still wearing contact lenses, there may be a cleanser on contact lenses, rather than settling.

The benefits of facial olive oil can also be applied as a mask or face. The trick is the extra virgin olive oil (pure), deposited on the face. or

You can also mix with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon. Then, apply to the face mixture and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry the face with a clean towel.

For body skin
Dry skin and moisturizing the skin are also considered one of the benefits of both sides of olive oil. Olive oil is similar to the natural oils and fats produced by the skin, making it easy to be absorbed by the skin. Olive oil usually does not cause allergies, but advised not to apply to acne skin. According to a study, even olive oil can help protect the body from skin cancer.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances present in olive oil are thought to make the skin smoother and radiant. In addition to apply to the skin, consumption of olive oil can also give you the benefits of antioxidants useful for disarming free radicals, reducing inflammation, affecting wrinkles and skin firmness.

The benefits of facial and body skin olive oil are also known to also apply to the treatment of eczema (redness and itching), psoriasis (redness and peeling), and fungal infections (ringworm or ringworm, fungal folding in the body, and sputum). However, further research and evidence need to support the statement.

Olive oil is natural, but once applied, there are allergy symptoms, please stop using it immediately and visit the doctor for a more accurate treatment.

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Related : Benefits of Olive Oil for Face and Body Skin


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