Benefits And Health

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Common mistakes made when the diet

The following are some common practices that are quick to lose weight and may actually harm your health:

Skip the main meal
Studies have shown that people who often eat morning, noon and evening are more able to maintain healthy weight. Breakfast contains enough fiber and protein to make you feel full until lunch time arrives. But skip the main meal so you like to eat a lot of snacks between the main meals.

Minimize snack content
Have you noticed about how much calories are fried foods, potato chips and a piece of cake? Always more than you should consume the heat. Checking the nutrition label on the food package can help you estimate the amount of calories consumed.

Did not eat snacks
Eating high-calorie snacks is at risk of eating failure. But it turns out that if snacks are healthy, low calorie makes people stay away from hunger and can better keep the ideal weight. Rich in protein snacks, such as almonds can keep your metabolism and keep the best job.

Drink too much heat
Who do a quick weight loss tend to avoid the consumption of high calorie foods. Instead, they consume more sweet drinks. Although the number of calories in certain beverages such as cream and soda coffee is no less than the actual food. Also, so finally you need to eat these beverages in fact make the stomach feel hungry.

Mineral water consumption less
Some people think that the consumption of mineral water makes the body fat. In fact, mineral water is an important element of burning calories. At least eight cups of consumption per day will actually increase the rate of metabolism.

Weigh every day
If your weight falls in just a few days, then it is most likely to be attributed to the body of water. But instead of fat. Instead, measure the weight daily and try more focus on long-term goals, such as eliminating 1-2 weeks of half a kilogram of goals.

If the set target is unrealistic

In addition to being frustrating, because the desire is not achieved, up to 5 kg per week can make you intend to do everything possible, including an unhealthy way to achieve its goal of losing weight. The stress target is missed because it can trigger you to eat more.

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Related : Common mistakes made when the diet


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