Benefits And Health

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Stinging Odor Pain Can Be a Sign of Illness

Urine or urine usually contains a unique smell, the smell of ammonia that. However, as the smell of urine is stronger than usual, it may be because you are suffering from some symptoms of the disease. So do not take if you run the smell of pee, unlike the usual grant.

Urine is mainly a small part of the waste from the water and from the kidneys. When the waste is higher, the lower the moisture content, it can cause the smell of urinary pungent nose.

Stinging Odor Pain Can Be a Sign of Illness

Weeping reason

The smell of urine can be caused by certain foods. For example, bananas or jengkol have natural sulfur compounds that make a strong smell of urine. However, when the smell of food as a result of food, the smell of substances will soon disappear from the body. In addition, some drugs and vitamins are also affected by the smell of urine.

However, you should be wary if you have urine odor without food or medicine, as it may be a sign of unhealthy health. Here are some of the diseases caused by urinary pungent odor:

  •     Dehydration
Dehydration is the condition in which the body is dehydrated. This situation also makes the smell of urine. You are another sign of dehydration is the color of the urine, such as orange dark yellow. Immediately drink more water to keep the body of moisture. If dehydration is classified as severe, it may also be followed by extreme fatigue, fatigue, irritability, and even loss of consciousness. If this is the case, it needs to be treated more carefully by the medical team.

  •     Urinary infection

Urine found in the bacteria can cause urinary tract infection. This condition is generally characterized by urinary irritant odor, urination (An Yuanyuan) accompanied by impulse urination and pain.

  •     Liver disease

Liver disease or liver disease is often characterized by dark urine looks more like the color of tea, as well as irritating scent. Consult a doctor immediately, especially if there is irritant odor in the back of the urinary system symptoms such as fatigue, bloating, abdominal pain, weight loss and yellow skin. Liver disease requires precise manipulation, which does not lead to dangerous conditions.

  •     Fistula vesikointestinal

This is the term in which the bladder and the intestine are present between the holes or pathways that allow the bacteria to move from the intestinal bladder. The reason may be due to surgery, colitis or Crohn's disease when injured. If you are experiencing urine smelly because of this situation, try to ask about a proper treatment physician.

  •    diabetes

Diabetes is often referred to as diabetes. Increased concentration of sugar in patients with diabetes causes urine to contain sugar. Such as the name, the patient is often pee-like, containing sugar fragrant liquid. When you realize that the urine smells very fragrant, go to treatment immediately. Therefore, diabetes will lead to dangerous conditions of stay.

  •     Maple diabetes

Spicy urine can also be caused by maple diabetes. By these genetic factors, classified as a rare disease, it can not break down by the body can affect the intake of amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine and valine. Although this disease can not be cured, but the appropriate treatment, the patient can avoid dangerous complications.

  •     Phenylketonuria

Called phenylketonuria because in this case, the body can not break down the amino acid phenylalanine. As a result, the urine gathers and emits a unique smell "like a mouse" like the smell of a mouse. The disease is usually born due to hereditary diseases and incurable.

Tips to keep healthy urinary tracts

You can arrange urinary tract health, so as not to taste the urine. The trick is to make habits, such as:

  •     Drink water, at least 2-3 liters or 8 to 10 glasses per day.
  •     Hold back no urination.
  •     Do not need to rush to urinate more quickly urinate.
  •     There is no need for forced urination if not necessary.
  •     Normally, urine is 5-7 times a day. If it is less than, plus part of drinking water
  •     Sitting on the urination is the best position.
  •     Clean the outside of the genitals with pure tap water (from the front try basuhan direction backwards to avoid the bacteria from the surface of the anus).

Lasting more than 12 hours, if not through food or drugs caused by urine odor, should be further processed. Especially when accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.

If you run pee smell do not ignore. Go to the doctor right away to get a quicker look at the cause and give treatment

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