Benefits And Health

Thursday, July 27, 2017

23 Benefits of Ginger

Ginger or ginger Latin is one of the roots of plants that are commonly used as spices and medications. Rhizome in the middle of the joint bulging shape of the fingers. As the ketones dominate the taste in the ginger spicy named zingeron.

Can use the benefits of ginger as a warm-up. Especially in cold weather or continuous rain. It is suitable for eating ginger, so that the body becomes warm. Ginger is also often made for can be used to warm the body wedang. Here are the benefits of ginger.

  •     blood circulation
    The first benefit of ginger is the blood circulation. In ginger ginger is found to prevent blood coagulation of anticoagulants. By preventing blood vessel clogging is the main cause of stroke and heart attack.

  •     Flatulence
    Ginger extract for those who often have bloating and pain. Ginger can be used to treat digestive diseases and irritability.

  •     Treatment of migraine
    In a study showing that ginger can prevent prostaglandins, which is a headache that causes headaches. Therefore, ginger can reduce migraine or headache.

  •     Fever and cough
    In front of the description can help blood circulation ginger ginger, ginger peel content can also be used to reduce fever and cough. Consumption of ginger means inhibition of side effects, such as the presence of chemical agents involved.

  •     Prevention of beer belly
    Through the regular consumption of ginger and edible can prevent the bloated stomach. Because useful ginger smooth metabolism and digestion. With the addition of the presence of metabolic effects that will accelerate calorie burning and flattened belly.

  •     hypotensive
    Ginger can stimulate the release of epinephrine, but also expand the blood vessels, which can lead to faster blood flow, flow, and can ease the work of the heart pumping blood.

  •     lose weight
    Ginger, ginger mentioned above can expand the blood vessels, its burning calories into the body of calories and ginger contains contains little calories, so it does not contribute to the increase in weight. By keeping wedang healthy and metabolically consumed ginger every day.

  •     Treatment of toothache
    Gingival pain and pain in the teeth can also be blocked by ginger juice. This is because ginger is antifungal and antibacterial.

  •     To prevent irregular menstrual cycle
    The benefits of ginger can help to maintain the regularity of women in the menstrual cycle. On the land of China, for example, this is a mixture of tea ginger brown sugar, and then is widely consumed during menstruation to relieve spasms.

  •     Create a strong body
    The presence of those compounds is inklamasi ginger. It is established in the body muscles certainly effective, as in the arm muscles. Based studies that may be made by regular consumption of ginger and often can help reduce the incidence of muscle pain caused by excessive physical exercise.

  •     As a drug for acne
    At the University of Maryland Medical Center conducted to help prevent acne on the skin previous studies of the Soviet Union recommended to eat ginger up to 4 g / day. Because if eating ginger can cause side effects such as mules, irritation and diarrhea too much.

  •     Hangover tour
    Especially for the frequent experience on the road motion sickness, to consume ginger soup. Spice Girls this time is considered to reduce the nausea also cure time difference.

  •     anti-allergy
    Grape seed extract along the benefits of ginger may be useful to help reduce the frequent fever and similar problems in the allergic season.

  •     Treatment of morning sickness
    Nausea, bloating, vomiting, morning, including women who are feeling sensitive to pregnancy. Morning sickness can be cured by taking herbs to drink ginger soup.

  •     Ward Off free radicals
    Ginger contains antioxidant content is able to overcome the destructive effects of free radicals in the body.

  •      inflammation
    Ginger as ginger has a number called gingerol compound. This compound ginger alcohol is responsible for aroma and efficacy as anti-inflammatory. When seeking anti-inflammatory drugs, make sure the drug contains gingerol.

  •     arthritis
    Ginger extract is also beneficial for patients with arthritis and osteoarthritis. The contents of the ginger are thought to contain an ingredient that can inhibit COX, which is responsible for the occurrence of inflammation, which is responsible for the occurrence of inflammation. COX Inhibitors Prescription drugs usually have side effects that can harm the body. Ginger is one of the benefits of natural herbs that can have similar characteristics and no side effects.

  •     Clean dirt in the body
    If you often eat ginger in the brewing mode, it can make the body into sweat. By sending a variety of sweat that contains impurities in the body of sin.

  •     Fight cancer cells
    Containing the content of ginger nutrient may be beneficial to the fatherly love to help inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. In a large number of studies have shown that the efficacy of ginger extract can combat many types of cancer such as ovarian cancer and colon cancer.

  •     reduce cholesterol
    In some studies have been taken to show that ginger can effectively reduce blood and liver cholesterol absorption. Ginger ginger found in the content is also an anticoagulant, it can prevent the role of blood clots. The contents of ginger can stimulate adrenal hormones, which in turn can promote the release of blood circulation.

  •     Snake bites the wound
    How to use ginger to treat snake bites and grinding roots and a little salt wounds, and then put on a snake bites wound, just as a first aid kit, for further treatment of the patient was sent to the hospital.

  •     relief the pain
    Natural painkillers can also be used to relieve headaches. How to drink ginger 3 times a day, or can also be used by drinking wedang round, candy ginger, and food, such as soup, stew, or gemeng ginger.

  •     Pain and joint stiffness
    In clinical trials it can be concluded that ginger is found to relieve pain as I mentioned above to improve the movement at the joints while reducing swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Other benefits, ginger can also help reduce back pain and headaches such as migraine.

Now, this is ginger health of an amazing 23 points of interest. By eating ginger is often possible for toothache treatment useful or can be used as an acne drug and so on.

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